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The Ultimate Sex Travel Guide to Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh is a fascinating city where you will be taken back in time. Surprisingly, the nightlife is good fun (very little compare to Pattaya), offering a wide selection of Sexy girls and a variety of places from which to choose – dance clubs, sports bars, neighborhood pubs, karaoke, upscale clubs and more. In my last visit, i had a great time and got the opportunity to visit local places in the company of a Khmer girl in my three day stay. Read my adventure.

When to go to Phnom Penh ?

Cambodia is blessed with one of Asia’s simpler weather systems and despite having two distinct weather seasons you can travel to Phnom Penh all-year-round.  In general, the entire country is subject to the same weather patterns, mainly due to the relatively uniform altitude and latitude throughout Cambodia.There are two distinct seasons dry (October to late April) and wet (May to late September). Within each season there are variations in temperature, with the final few dry months leading up to the wet season (March and April) and the early months of the wet season (May and June) usually being the hottest of the year with temperatures in excess of 35°C at times.Bars and clubs are scattered across the town but as the city is fairly compact it’s never more than a five or ten minute ride between places, usually less. And there are several little clusters of bars and nightspots around town allowing you to hop easily from one to the next.

What about Sex in Phnom Penh?

Phnom Penh’s sex industry is world famous, though far less glamorous than the likes of Pattaya or the Philippine’s Angeles City. There are numerous businesses in the city center that ever-obliging tuk-tuk drivers will be happy to take you to. These are more tailored to Asian customers that prefer Vietnamese women, who dominate Phnom Penh’s regulated sex scene.
As in Thailand, in some parts of town you may see Khmer girls from the countryside, waiting for large white men with fat wallets.

Typical Costs

  • Sex: There is no centralized red light district in Phnom Penh, but the area around Street 130, St 136 and Street 51 is where the majority of bar girls can be found, at any time of the day or night. Most of the ‘bars’ are little more than brothels with beer, although some run a clean, friendly operation. All of the girls that work there are available to takeaway, at around US$15-25 for a ‘short time’ or up to US$50 for the whole night, depending on your bargaining skills. A bar fine(10$) will also need to be paid to take merchandise off the premise, although make sure your hotel accommodates such visitors to avoid a scene on your return.
  • Accommodation:  rooms range from $6-10 USD per night. You can get comfortable hotels for $15 – 25 dollars with air con, TV  and other amenities. After that, the sky is the limit but I’ve never needed to spend more than $20 USD per night for luxury in this country. Most of the accommodations are girl friendly
  • Transportation: Local transportation is cheap, costing only a few dollars. Within the city, rate go from 1-3$, in average i paid 1.5$ You can get anywhere in the country for under $10 USD. Renting a driver for the day will cost you between $15-20 USD.

Tips & Tricks

  • Pay in the local currency. Usually, everything is priced in dollars but a dollar here and a dollar there really adds up. Paying in the local currency can save you more money since everything is not just “one dollar.”
  • "Yam Yam" means BJ  (blow job)in Khmer language and remember to ask the girls in advance if they are willing to perform it. Many will refuse and others in the beginning will accept but later in the room they will not do it.
  • Girls have to turn off their mobile phones once in the room and be instructed to leave them turned off; they are the major source of disruption.
  • Runners (girls leaving early) have to be punished financially, otherwise you kind of confirm you’re stupid and she can just do everything she wants without any consequence.
  • Valuables in the safe. When you leave the room  and while you are showering. Hear many times of girls stealing money and cameras.
  • Lady drinks. Cut down on them, they are useless to the purpose of good fun and sex.
  • When riding in a tuk-tuk keep your bag and camera towards the middle of the tuk-tuk to protect against bag snatching.

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