info for Massage

You are often the same places massages!

See the list in massage

  • A massage costs between $ 6 and $ 10 (in price some store offers free spa)
  • All shop do not practice massage with happy end ;)
  • Must be negotiated during massage

What is an Asian happy ending massage?

Imagine an exotic dark and smooth skin Thai girl massaging you with a warm and fragrant oil. You feel relaxed in a ecstasy status. She is making you so excited and she know that preparing for the end of the massage asking; “anything else can i do for you?” You have figure it out already what she might do for you but don;t lose control right know.

Be relaxed in your conversation and try to agree to a price before the deed. Show confidence and calm, that will help to deal the price down.

When agree to a price, just sit back and enjoy! Let her master all her skill on you and remember don’t be too noise as there are usually other customers in the same room.

What to do and don’t 

If it is an Asian happy ending massage that you are looking for, rather than a non-sexual massage how do you know if the masseuse will offer you a happy ending when she’s done working out the kinks in your back? You don’t want to ask for something extra only to find yourself thrown out onto the street wearing nothing but a towel.

To be sure of being offered extra services
Your best bet is to go for the oil massage, a body scrub is another good option, and even a traditional massage is a possibility.

Remove all your cloths
Traditionally oil massages are executed naked and should’t be any embarrassment, actually the opposite would be awkward.

Just relax
Enjoy the oil massage and when your masseur will give the first signs of extra service (usually she will massage close to your sensitive areas or put her breast in your face pretending to massage you) then ask her if she does extras.

Don’t ask for a foot or facial massage as your starter.
These massages offer no privacy and are likely to be carried out alongside another customer. That means that your masseuse will be too shy to ask you if you require anything extra and, even if she isn’t shy, she will assume that you don’t even want a sex massage if you’ve gone for one of these first.

Don’t wait for the last minute
Usually a massage is one hour and you should ask for a happy ending before the time is over or they will charge you extra.

Where to go for an Asian happy ending massage

Most of the massage parlours are located near the tourist areas as restaurants and night spots. You can find such parlours all around

7 commentaires:

  1. Could you tell me where i can find the Asian Happy Ending Massage?
    Cos i really interested what u told.


  2. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  3. Hello there
    It is difficult to find something else finished by hand (no BJ) is the inverse of Viet Nam and Thailand here is more complicated

  4. Hello

    you can see ;-)

    ;) :-)

  5. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  6. Well congratulations to the author. Im in love with all massage and nuru massage content.
